Tuesday, April 17, 2012

10 Things I've Learned About Funeral Service...

Sorry for the long delay between posts Friends. Hopefully we are back on track now.

Well, we've closed the books on our first month in business. Jim and I are humbled and grateful beyond words for the generous outpouring of trust and support from the Charleston community. We have served so many wonderful families -- some of whom we will have a continued connection with. It's been a month of growing, learning and finding our own in the funeral business. We're a little different -- and people are starting to catch on. It's exciting to see the path that's being set out for us. I've learned so much - I couldn't begin to share it all. So, I've made a list of the TOP TEN.


10 - We are all flawed, fallen, mortal humans. Death is a part of life. Dealing with loss is a part of living.

9 - Waffle House is just as good after a long night of working, as it is after a long night of playing.

8 - True love is being by the bedside of your spouse of over 50 years as they let go of this life.

7 - Morgue attendants are really nice people, not creepy like on TV.

6 - Working 16 hours a day by your husband's side on YOUR business is more satisfying than working 8 for someone else's.

5 - People are buried in caskets, vampires live in coffins. You want to get under a funeral director's skin?? Ask to see his coffins. 

4 - You never know what will connect you to other people - living and passed. I've felt closer to my Dad in the last month than I have my entire 29 years. My husband says he would be proud of me -- and that's something I've waited my whole life to hear...

3 - Nurses are God's angels on earth. They've done it all, seen it all and without a lot of sleep --- and yet, they are always a joy to work with.

2 - You will get looks when driving a hearse.

1 - Life is a gift --- every minute of it. Seeing death on a daily basis helps put insignificant things like bad hair days, bad attitudes and bad traffic into perspective.

Well Friends, I hope you enjoy the rest of your week --- stay tuned for updates!!