Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wait....I'm Not Immortal?!

Get really close to the computer and pay attention to this one folks....we're all gonna die. I know, I was shocked too.

 Living in the death care business, you think I would be very aware of my own mortality. Nope. Death is what happens to other people -- people we pick up from their homes or hospitals amid an array of grieving family members. Death is what happens to other people, not me.  So I was shocked, about two weeks ago, to suddenly realize that not only am I going to die --- it could happen any time. 

 I was laying in bed when the realization hit me. And when I say hit me -- it hit me. After a series of particularly difficult death calls and too much Red Bull -- I couldn't sleep. I laid awake and thought about my life. Thought about why I was here and what I would leave behind. Leave behind? Wait, in order for me to leave behind anything -- I would have to go somewhere. Whoa. I'm going somewhere....!!! Well, that's OK. I've told people a hundred times that I'm not afraid of death because I know where I'm going. I'm going to meet Jesus, so its all good. The part I didn't factor into the equation is that I have to leave this life to move onto the next one --- and last time I checked, that involves dying. 

So, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna be a death call for a funeral director. I'm gonna be a backache for the poor guy who has to dig my grave (unless they just vaporize us and zap us into space on flying cars by then....who knows?) I'm gonna die. Sorry to keep repeating it, but once it sinks in, it really sinks in. Now, I have no intention of going anywhere soon -- but being fully aware of your own mortality really puts life into perspective. Will anyone come to my funeral? Of course that would be my first thought. Do enough people like me to take time out of their day to mourn my passing?? I must remember to tell the funeral home to serve good food. And wine...that will draw a crowd. 

All of this aside -- the past few weeks of contemplating my own death have brought me to several conclusions. One, none of us really expect to die and unfortunately live as though we have all the time in the world. Two, Carpe Diem! I know that made this blog just take a turn toward cheesy town, but its true. I want a tattoo -- so I'm getting one. (sorry Hubbs). I want to go to Israel - so I'm going. (again, sorry Hubbs). The lawn can get mowed tomorrow, the dishes will still be in the sink and the laundry will continue to pile -- but the time I can spend with family and friends -- that's what really matters. And Three, I really need to start recruiting for my funeral. 

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