My new least favorite word in the English language is “Busy”. I just love talking to people and all they do is go on and on about how busy they’ve been. In my head, I always think “doing what?!” Then, undoubtedly I will be talking to someone and launch into how busy I’ve been…. I can feel the slap of my own words coming back at me… “Doing what?!”
What does this have to do with my life in the death care business? Everything. What does it have to do with you? Probably, a lot. We’ve all gotten so “busy” lately. I use the “quotes” because busy is subjective and more often I’ve realized, an excuse for not following through on something. Sorry I didn’t call you back – I’ve been busy. Sorry I didn’t get those cookies made for the bake sale – I’ve been busy. What am I really saying? I’m too busy for you or the commitment I made to you. Are we really all that busy? And if we are, what are we busy doing?
Jim hears it all the time in the funeral home. I wish we’d gotten to spend more time together – but you know, life gets busy. I meant to take her back to XYZ place before she died – but you know, life gets busy. I hear it, use it and deal with it in my own life. I’ve started 30 projects I haven’t finished. Why? I’m busy. I haven’t called my Grandmother since Thanksgiving. Why? I’m busy. (If you’re reading this Gram, I’ll call you soon – promise!) It’s excuse, after excuse, with excuses on top.
We live in 2013. 2013 people! We have phones that are smarter and more capable of getting stuff done than most people I know. We have all the technology, modern equipment and gadgets we need to make our lives easier. And yet, we’re busier than ever. I think back to the old days. People got up at the crack of dawn to WORK – really WORK. Manual labor stuff. Working like your life depended on it (because it did, back then) Not this stuff most of us do daily (no offense). THEN, they came home and the work didn’t stop. What do we do now? We have our kids in every activity imaginable – guess that counts as being busy. We fill our non-working hours with things that supposedly make us feel better about ourselves – “Me Time”, as they say. I don’t know about you, but other than that – I’m not really all that busy. I have a full time and then some job AND help my husband with our business when I can. I have two fur-kids who require attention (yes, just as much as human kids). I have a circle of friends. I have hobbies, like to stay fit and of course, have a house to keep up. (ish…) But, I still have time. More importantly than having extra, I could do a better job of prioritizing the time I have. That sound you just heard? That was me hitting the nail on the head. Priorities people, heard of ‘em?? That’s another soap box. (Yes, I have a soap box collection – get off me) You can’t afford groceries? Maybe you should get rid of that iPhone and the freshly manicured nails your texting on it with. P.R.I.O.R.I.T.I.E.S. (whew, I feel better now)
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